Hi there. My name is Tony and i am co-founder here at RepWatchplug.com.
Just like you I have been looking for where to buy high quality replica designer watches especially those iced out with real moissanite stones that pass the diamond tester but for many years I kept getting scammed or would receive a crap watch when bought from AliExpress etc.
However, my luck changed when in the summer of 2010 i had the privilege to go study abroad in china shanghai and while there i was able to find the best replica factories direct from the source! No more getting ripped online!
Slowly friends started asking me to get them watches and clothing items and soon friends of friends started asking so in 2011 I launched RepWatchPlug.com
And that's how it all started a little over 10 years ago!! And ever since then we have sold to many celebrities, entertainers, and athletes as well as wholesale buyers who go on to sell in person.
You can call us your personal replica shoppers
- 1)We buy directly from the factories here in china and due to our long lasting relationship with them and high volume orders, we get better prices with them which we pass on to you as savings J.
- 2)We don’t do this to make massive profits, we simply do this because we love jewelries and hate to see people get scammed (like I did before moving to china)
- 3)Many of the individuals who sell at a higher price than us most of the times buy from us.
We don’t work with only 1 factory. We work with factories that specialize in 1 brand!
Additionally, having lived in china for over 10 years now i have visited many factories (some look like sweatshops) but the ones we work with are neat and you can see the result and quality craftsmanship in the final work.
For example, the factory we get our Rolex watches from ONLY makes Rolex watches this ensures top quality as a factory that specializes in 1 brand knows all the tiny details of that brand.
The owner of the replica Rolex factory we supply from used to work for Rolex in Geneve Switzerland, the owner of the AP factory used to be a top manager at AP Asia.
So, the replica watches are made with the original in hand to ensure 1:1 quality. Unlike other factories that try to make for ALL brands without knowing the intricate details.
As we get from factories that only specialize in 1 brand, you can be rest assured that the quality and craftsmanship would be up to par.
All our watches are made/come with:
- -Swiss movement (no tick tok)
- -Moissanite diamonds that pass diamond tester (if with diamonds)
- -Comes in brand box and packaging
RepWatchPlug.com™ was made to provide luxury designer watch enthusiasts like yourself and i who are in need of awesomely made, high-quality replica designer watches but are strapped for cash and can only settle for a replica clone of those branded watches.
If there is an ever issue with the product or box we will provide a full refund or exchange to ensure your experience with us is exceptional.
Our success over 11 years can be attributed to our loyal commitment to our customers. You can always reach out to us online, for a more personal experience, or by phone. (Both listed below)
Visit our Return Policy , FAQ PAGE
All transactions are digitally encrypted using the latest technologies, and we never share your personal information
Co-Founder RepWatchPlug.com